Snake jokes Jokes Funny Snake jokes Jokes

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There are 61 Snake jokes Jokes in this category.

QWhat do you get when you cross from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
Q:What do you get when you cross a snake and a kangaroo? A:('A jump rope')"

What is green sooty and whistles when from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What is green, sooty and whistles when it rubs its back legs together ? Chimney Cricket !

Did you hear about the stupid snake from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
Did you hear about the stupid snake? He lost his skin.

What do you get if you cross from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What do you get if you cross two snakes with a magic spell? Addercadabra and abradacobra.

Why did the viper want to become from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
Why did the viper want to become a python? He got the coiling.

What do you get if you cross from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What do you get if you cross a glow-worm with a python? A twenty-foot-long strip-light that can squeeze you to death.

Doctor doctor I keep thinking Im a from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a python. Oh you can't get round me like that, you know.

Why did some snakes disobey Noah when from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
Why did some snakes disobey Noah when he said "Go forth and multiply" ? They couldn't, they were adders !

What do you get if crossed a from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What do you get if crossed a new born snake with a basketball ? A bouncing baby boa !

So glad to meet you said the from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
"So glad to meet you" said the Hindu politely ? "Charmed I'm sure ", replied the snake !

Whats long green and goes hith A from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What's long, green and goes hith ? A snake with a lisp !

What kind of letters did the snake from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What kind of letters did the snake get from his admirers ? Fang letters !

What do you call a snake who from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What do you call a snake who works for the governement ? A civil serpent !

What do you give a sick snake from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What do you give a sick snake ? Asp-rin !

What did the snake say when another from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What did the snake say when another asked him the time ? Don't asp me !

Why did the viper viper nose Because from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
Why did the viper, viper nose ? Because the adder, adder hankerchief !

What happened when a deadly rattle snake from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What happened when a deadly rattle snake bit a witch ? He died in agony !

What song to snakes like to sing from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What song to snakes like to sing ? Viva Aspana !

Whats a snakes favourite flower Coilyflowers Snake from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
What's a snakes favourite flower ? Coily-flowers !

Why did the python do national service from Flashcomment Snake jokes Jokes
Why did the python do national service ? He was coiled up !

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